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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an evidence-based therapeutic approach designed to help individuals lead more meaningful, fulfilling lives, even in the presence of difficult thoughts and emotions. ACT operates on the premise that struggling against unwanted thoughts, feelings, and sensations can often make them stronger and more persistent. Instead of focusing on eliminating or controlling these experiences, the core goal of ACT is to increase psychological flexibility, which is the ability to be open to experiences, stay present in the moment, and take actions aligned with your values, even in the presence of difficult emotions or thoughts.


What Does ACT Look Like In Practice?

ACT focuses on learning skills to increase your psychological flexibility so that you can hope with life’s challenges without becoming overwhelmed or stuck:

  1. Cognitive Defusion: Learning to observe thoughts without becoming entangled in them or allowing them to control your behavior.

  2. Acceptance: Embracing difficult emotions, rather than avoiding or suppressing them, to reduce their power over you.

  3. Present Moment Awareness: Focusing on the here and now, and cultivating mindfulness to stay grounded in the present.

  4. Self-as-Context: Developing a sense of self that is separate from your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, helping you gain perspective on your struggles.

  5. Values Clarification: Identifying what truly matters to you and using these values as a guide for making meaningful life decisions.

  6. Committed Action: Taking consistent, values-driven actions, even in the presence of discomfort, to create a life that aligns with your deepest priorities.


ACT helps you build a healthier relationship with your thoughts and feelings, so you can live a life that’s true to what really matters to you. It facilitates your ability to choose actions that bring you closer to the kind of person you want to be.


If you are experiencing challenges living a meaningful and fulfilling life, you may wish to consider exploring Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a potential therapeutic option. Recovery is possible. Contact us for more information.


*Disclaimer: This webpage is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. If you are experiencing mental health challenges, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment recommendations.*

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